


【来源:国际教育学院 | 作者:国际教育学院 | 编辑:国际教育学院 | 发布日期:2021-12-31】

第一条 为全面贯彻落实国家、申博Sunbet官网_申博现金网-手机版登录和申博Sunbet官网_申博现金网-手机版登录关于新冠肺炎疫情防控工作常态化的部署和要求,确保来华留学生生命安全和身体健康,维护申博Sunbet官网_申博现金网-手机版登录正常的学习工作和生活秩序,根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》《申博Sunbet官网_申博现金网-手机版登录招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(教育部、外交部、公安部令第42号)和《桂林医学院国际学生违纪处理规定》等法律法规和规章制度,特制定本规定。

1. In order to comprehensively carry out the arrangements and demands of the university, the autonomous region and the nation on normalizing the prevention and control of COVID-19, ensure the safety and physical health of the international students in China, maintain the universitys normal order of study and living, these regulations are hereby formulated in accordance with Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Emergency Response Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Regulations on Preparedness for and Response to Emergent Public Health Hazards, Administrative Measures for Schools to Enroll and Cultivate International Students (No.42 Ordinance of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security of the Peoples Republic of China), and The Regulations of Punishment for International Students’ Violation of Discipline of Guilin Medical University, etc.

第二条 本规定适用于在校就读的所有来华留学生。

2. These regulations apply to all the international students studying at Guilin Medical University.

第三 所有来华留学生在学期间,要严格遵守中国、广西壮族申博Sunbet官网_申博现金网-手机版登录、申博Sunbet官网_申博现金网-手机版登录疫情防控的相关管理规定。在附属医院实习的留学生除遵守上述规定外,还要遵守附属医院相关管理规定。

3. While studying at the university, all the international students must strictly abide by the related regulations of the university, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and China on the prevention and control of the pandemic. The international students who are working at the Affiliated Hospital as interns must abide by the hospital’s related regulations apart from those mentioned above.  

第四条 有下列情形之一者,给予警告处分

4. A disciplinary punishment of warning will be given to the students who have one of the behaviors listed below:


(1) The ones who leave Guangxi at will without asking for a leave and getting the approval;


(2) The ones who conceal or lie about the information of their itineraries and the places where they lodged and are lodging, and their abnormal physical conditions;


(3) The ones who engage in causing panic, publicizing false information and spreading rumors;


(4) The ones who go against the arrangements of the work, teaching and living arrangements made by the university to meet the needs of the prevention and control of the pandemic.  

第五条 有下列情形之一者,给予留校察看处分

5. A disciplinary punishment of probation will be given to the students who have one of the behaviors listed below:


(1) The ones who communicated face to face with persons from middle-risk or high-risk areas or crossed or lodged in these areas, but dont report in time or even conceal that;


(2) The ones who should be quarantined according to the discipline of the local prevention and control of the pandemic but refuse to do that, or even leave the site for quarantine at will during the quarantine period.

第六条 违反疫情防控规定,隐瞒行程和病情,造成疫情扩散,给社会和他人造成严重后果,触犯国家法律者。除受到国家法律制裁外,给予开除学籍处分。

6. The students who spread the pandemic, cause serious consequences to society and others and violate the national law by disobeying the regulations on the prevention and control of the pandemic and concealing their itineraries or physical conditions of being ill must be expelled from the university apart from being punished by the national law.

第七条 有多项违纪违规行为者,按照违纪违规处分单项最高级别的加重一级处分。

7. The students who violate more than one item of the discipline or regulations must be given a punishment one level higher than the original limit that should have been given to a single violation.

第八条 违反本规定的留学生,取消本学年度各类评优评奖资格。

8. The international students who violate these regulations are deprived of the qualifications for obtaining any type of prizes or honorary titles.

第九条 本规定处分的程序与权限、处分的解除等按照《桂林医学院国际学生违纪处理规定》中相关要求执行。受处分的学生对处分决定如有异议的,可按照程序提出复核和申诉。

9. The procedures, the extent of authority, and the cancellation of the disciplinary punishments of these regulations are executed according to the related demands of The Regulations of Punishment for International Students’ Violation of Discipline of Guilin Medical University. The students who have doubt about the decision of disciplinary punishments can apply for a review or appeal in accordance with the procedures.

第十条 本规定由桂林医学院国际教育学院负责解释,如与申博Sunbet官网_申博现金网-手机版登录相关部门发布的最新防控管理规定相冲突,则以申博Sunbet官网_申博现金网-手机版登录最新的管理规定内容适时调整。

10. College of International Education of Guilin Medical University is responsible for the explanation of these regulations. If they contradict the latest regulations on pandemic prevention and control published by the related departments of the university, they will be adapted in conformity with the universitys regulations in time.

第十一条 本规定自2021年11月4日起执行。

11. These regulations are implemented from November 4, 2021.

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